Sanitization of Drinking Water Networks and Tanks

Why is it essential?

The distribution and accumulation network of drinking water forlarge residential facilities (hotels, hospitals, other) like those in the municipal water distribution network, tend to accumulate deposits and material loads over time which can compromise the health of the circulating water. It is therefore essential to foresee a periodic maintenance programme which includes cleaning and removal of all the deposits that have been created.

In the presence of specific pathogens, Legionella Pneumophila, it is necessary to proceed with a sanitization process to reduce the micro-biological load.


Service at more levels

Water Team, together with the marketing of chemical products to clean and sanitize the networks and tanks of drinking water,is able to carry out these maintenance operations. For more sensitive facilities such as hospitals Water Team is able to assess the risks according to the national guidelines in force and apply all the corrective actions to sanitize and control the reforming of pathogenic colonies.



The washing programmes we develop together with the use of our chemical products, but above all thanks to the expertise and professionalism of our technicians, are able to guarantee the best results.


The in-depth knowledge of the industrial processes in which the water is used, of the water treatment plants, and the extensive and wide reaching experience gained over the years of activity allow us to provide a comprehensive and professional service.

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