Management of drain waterplants

What does the service include?

The services that Water Team is able to provide its customers for the management of the drain waterplants are:

  • adapt drains to meet standards
  • avoid legal sanctions
  • reduce costs
  • reuse the drain water in ancillary services


Promptness and saving

The services provided by Water Team enable the respect of legal parameters over time and to significantly improve the performances of thepurification processes.
This is possible through the installation of purposely designed plants for the most efficient purification of drain water and use of the specific chemical products required in the different stages of purification.



Our technicians are able to carry out tests and analyses in the work area to verify the performance of your drain plant; if this were not sufficient Water Team avails of a modern and fully equipped analysis laboratory with which we are able to carry out an in-depth analytical investigation and search for specific solutions.


The in-depth knowledge of the industrial processes in which the water is used, of the water treatment plants, and the extensive and wide reaching experience gained over the years of activity allow us to provide a comprehensive and professional service.

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