Cleaning, Washing and De-scaling


All industrial appliances need to be regularly serviced to guarantee optimal operating performances.

These also include all the technological plants which use water or which come into contact with it.


How to act?

According to the deposit or scales present, Water Team works with the most suitable chemical products complete of passivating agents and corrosion-inhibitors to remove the deposit without compromising the metals, materials which make up the plant.


Cleaning, washing and de-scaling

Water Team is able to provide products for the cleaning of:

  • Boilers and steam condensate networks of thermal plants
  • Accumulation tanks for the distribution of drinking water
  • Heat exchangers (evaporative towers, evaporative condensers, other)
  • Osmotic Membranes and whole reverse osmosis plants
  • Tanks for carbon, sand and other filtration systems


Water Team has developed its formulae using the most advanced molecules for water treatment and above all exploiting the synergic actions which can be triggered by the use of 2 or more active ingredients in the same product.

Contact us for more information

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